Since its foundation in 1998, MUSOL has been working with the local governments with the aim of strengthening the capacity of the local stakeholders and their roles in the local development. According to its mission, MUSOL promotes the right to a decent life and the sustainable development of the most disadvantaged populations, developing and strengthening the capacities of the regional and local governments as well as the European, African and Latin American civil societies, all of this within the framework of the development and decentralization processes in the countries where we operate.

MUSOL was founded by a group of chief executives of the public sector, most of them town clerks, and our mission reaffirms the vocation of the organization (strengthening the capacities of the local authorities and the civil society). Since our mission is focused on strengthening the capacities of the local authorities and the civil society, MUSOL works with hundreds of municipalities and other local and regional authorities.

At the present, according to the strategic plan 2020-2023, MUSOL implements the following strategic axes of work: “MUSOL sustainable development”: all the programs to promote the human rights of the vulnerable people, especially those human rights more linked to the competences and duties of the local authorities. In the MUSOL strategic plan for Europe, the main priorities are: Improving the capacities of the local and regional public entities and the European civil society to promote innovative territorial policies for the territorialization of the Sustainable Development Goals; promoting the European citizenship, through the active involvement and interaction of citizens and European civil society organizations as well as the local and regional public entities.

Make it Better (MiB) is a recent organisation (private NGO, non-profit) settled in one of the most depressed regions in Europe (South Alentejo, Portugal), that capitalizes the experience of its promoters and team of more than 18 years of joint work and cooperation with public and private organizations in Portugal, Europe and as well in several other parts of the world (South America, Africa and Asia).

It complies a multidisciplinary team of associates and workers that give powerful input in big umbrella areas, such as sustainable development, education, social responsibility, social economy and social entrepreneurship, in the different frames where most disadvantaged groups are settled. In its action miB intends to: create, develop, adapt and apply sustainable and responsible work models and tools, cooperating and supporting the most disadvantaged groups. Its mission is the development of human society, in all its dimensions, namely, economic, social, environmental and cultural, linked to moral duties of solidarity and justice and all the other values registered in its charter of principles. miB’s vision is to become a reference as national and international platform, by its energetic role in stimulating education, empowerment and social economy, facilitating and mediating, articulating resources and promoting dynamics focused in the resolution of beneficiaries and communities’ problems and demands.

In organizational strategic plan we can find, under priority 2 – Partnerships and Cooperation, strong emphasis in the promotion of education as fundamental tool for social equity, cohesion and development, but as well the promotion of co-operation and sharing of best practices and models developed, tested and validated within similar contexts, namely in the context of youth education and capacity building. Social inclusion, diversity, non-formal education, employability, initiative, creativity and innovation are equally thematically focused in the plan, being simultaneously the organization key tools and expertise for cooperation and development. Make it Better is actually a member of the General Council for Education of Cuba, which is responsible for the design and validation of the local educational policies. The organisation counts actually with 20 official members (experts in multiple and complimentary areas). Further, the organisation works in straight cooperation with local and regional agents (public and private) which comply with a large and continuous group of learners and direct beneficiaries of its activities (actually achieving more than 500 people).

Polo Europeo della Conoscenza – Europole is a public body and a no profit network hosted by the Istituto Comprensico B. Lorenzi of Fumane Verona – Italy. Europole is a permanent network of school made fo more than 4000 Organizations, researchers, 3 Universities, 40 adult education organizations, 2 Regional Administrations, Municipalities, 20 VET schools, 20 NGOs, 4 cooperatives, and about 4000 Educational Institutions of every order and Degree at national level working for the European social and educational integration.

Its main fields of activities are to promote the European dimension and integration through European and extra – European workshops, seminars, conferences, partnerships and projects. The Europole is planning “umbrella activities” involving in the projects the greatest possible number of institutions of the consortium. Europole works in every field of education, from ITC to in-service training courses for teachers and Kindergartens sectors to adult education in prison and in rural areas. It works also on social exclusion, fighting against xenophobia and racism, helping to break stereotypes around gender among different cultures and religions, training of students and drop outs, intercultural learning and youth workers’ and vocational training field.

The members of the network are working with learners at risk of social and cultural exclusion: immigrants, refugees, drop-out and learners with separated parents, social psychological borderline situations, bullying, learners with disabilities and other special needs. It also works in job strategies and economical researches fields.

IDEC is a training consulting company located in Piraeus, Greece, established since 1989. Its activities consist of training, management consulting, quality assurance, evaluation and development of digital solutions for both private and public sector. Clients of IDEC are both SMEs and the bigger Greek companies from a wide variety of sectors. IDEC co-operates with more than 800 institutes all over Europe and with about 300 experts on specific fields.  IDEC has extensive experience in European projects, either as coordinator or as partner within different European programs and Initiatives.Over the last 18 years IDEC has worked extensively on the area of quality assurance in training and also has consulting experience in developing Quality Management systems in Greek training centres.

IDEC is accredited as a lifelong learning centre, organising in-service training courses for teachers and trainers, study visits and informal learning activities for students in initial education and training, and provides training courses and work placements for students in vocational training and people in the labour market.   IDEC ́s main areas of expertise are: management consulting, business planning, entrepreneurship, SMEs, quality management, certification, design of training contents based on ECVET, software and multimedia development, internet applications, distance learning, e-business and e-commerce. In the field of Lifelong learning, IDEC has experience in European policies regarding LLL and in particular EQF, ECVET, Europass, EQAVET, validation of non-formal and informal learning and in national reforms of education and training systems. It has successfully undertaken the contract with CEDEFOP “Europass, ECVET and EQF for documentation, validation and certification of learning outcomes”. The last 20 years IDEC is working on the digital transformation of businesses and educational organisations.

The vision of the IRSE Foundation is a society open to diversity and using its potential. Society, in which each one understands and is understood by the others. Our mission is to create space for dialogue, exchange of views and experiences aimed at developing social and civic activity for all social groups and institutions operating in the field of equality education. Acceptance, curiosity about the world, openness to diversity we want to root in society from an early age, until adult life, through cooperation with educational institutions and non-governmental organizations. The IRSE Foundation runs actions in three main areas: 1. Intercultural education, anti-discrimination and global education; 2. Development of local communities; 3. Cooperation with the East, especially in the context of support for the development of democracy and civil society.

IRSE cooperates with people belonging to groups perceived stereotypically and discriminated against due to various premises and at risk of social exclusion, i.e. LGBT+ people, people with disabilities, people with experience of migration and refugees, representatives of different religions, people from rural areas and experiencing transport exclusion. We also cooperate with organizations and institutions supporting social inclusion and diversity, including the Municipal Council of Gdańsk, Centres for Foreigners, Social Integration Centres, schools, universities. A significant part of IRSE activities concern broadly understood education, which is why we also conduct activities for children and youth, staff teachers, educators, people working with young people outside the formal education system. We lead trainings, workshops, study visits, we organize conferences, seminars, debates both at the local level, regional as well as international. We care about the synergy of our activities, which is why we combine projects local with international ones. Over the years of activity, we have built a stable network of contacts both in and outside EU countries.