Since its foundation in 1998, MUSOL has been working with the local governments with the aim of strengthening the capacity of the local stakeholders and their roles in the local development. According to its mission, MUSOL promotes the right to a decent life and the sustainable development of the most disadvantaged populations, developing and strengthening the capacities of the regional and local governments as well as the European, African and Latin American civil societies, all of this within the framework of the development and decentralization processes in the countries where we operate.
MUSOL was founded by a group of chief executives of the public sector, most of them town clerks, and our mission reaffirms the vocation of the organization (strengthening the capacities of the local authorities and the civil society). Since our mission is focused on strengthening the capacities of the local authorities and the civil society, MUSOL works with hundreds of municipalities and other local and regional authorities.
At the present, according to the strategic plan 2020-2023, MUSOL implements the following strategic axes of work: “MUSOL sustainable development”: all the programs to promote the human rights of the vulnerable people, especially those human rights more linked to the competences and duties of the local authorities. In the MUSOL strategic plan for Europe, the main priorities are: Improving the capacities of the local and regional public entities and the European civil society to promote innovative territorial policies for the territorialization of the Sustainable Development Goals; promoting the European citizenship, through the active involvement and interaction of citizens and European civil society organizations as well as the local and regional public entities.