Demystifying myths about dementia

Dispelling myths surrounding dementia is essential as it fosters understanding and empathy. These misconceptions often lead to stigma, isolation, and delayed diagnosis. By educating ourselves about the realities of dementia, we can create more inclusive and supportive communities for individuals and families living with this condition, ultimately enhancing their quality of life.

In this article we look at five misconceptions about dementia that we dispel.


Dementia only affects elderly people

Dementia usually affect people over 65 years old but it can affecter people from their 30s onwards.


I have some memory loss, this means I have dementia!

Memory loss can be a natural part of ageing and doesn’t mean you have dementia.


There is a cure for dementia

There is currently no cure for the main types of dementia. However, some medication and support can help manage the symptoms and improve the quality of life.


People with dementia don’t understand what happens around them

A person with an advanced stage of dementia may not be able to communicate directly, but does understand emotions behind words and actions.


After the diagnosis, the person with dementia becomes totally dependent

Many of the people with dementia can live meaningfully and actively with dementia for many years after the diagnosis.